Wednesday 1 August 2012

Dr.Siti Mariah, Kota Raja PAS & Exploitation of Indian Voters?

Dr Mariah, the Kota Raja (PAS) MP had been told exploiting Indians for the purpose of politics, party and personal benefits. As far as what we concern, PAS is a party which focused in establishing an Islam country with Hudud Law enforcement.

The ideology of PAS previously was tarnished by other races and religion apart from Muslims since this country is belongs to all religion and races. After the GE-12 tsunami, PAS joined the opposition force to ensure some states is conquered to be control by this opposition force.

Alot of questions raised when PAS decided to took this action. The rakyats been blind folded by the slogan "PAS untuk Semua" (PAS for All). What is this actually means? Is PAS opened their membership for Non-Muslims? How bout Islam country concept? and The Hudud Law enforcement?

Confusion after confusion and yet they still confusing the rakyats. Recently, Dr.Mariam had be seen meeting the Indian which includes the Hindus and Christians as a part of preparation for the GE-13 Force. Below is a paragraph stated in Dr.Mariam's blog:

"Hasilnya kini di Kota Raja Dr Mariah tidak perlu lagi memakai sarong tangan bila berjumpa dengan orang India dan Cina (kerana mereka sangat sensitif dan mudah terasa hati jika tidak bersalaman dengan mereka) kerana kini bagi yang lelaki mereka sudah faham sangat dan tidak akan menghulurkan tangan lagi kepada Dr Mariah. Kadang kala kita boleh tersenyum simpul melihat wanita non-muslim bukan Islam ni bila berjumpa dengan Dr Mariah dan Muslimat PAS siap cium-ciuman lagi."

A part of the phrase tells us that Dr.Mariam used to wear gloves to avoid contact (shaking-hands) with the non-muslim voters. Clearly I would like to state here that Im not condemning Dr.Mariam for the part of her religious views but its more to the humanity issue. Because its not harm if she could just explain her religious principles to the voters and people of Kota Raja so that they would understood her religious standings and also the Islamic do and dont's. This act is found to be so pathetic when realized, instead of explaining her religious standing, she used glove as tool for contact prevention.

Besides that, the saga dint ends there. More and more Indians are absorbed for their programs as a tool to show the 'power' of PAS and also 'confidence' of Indians towards PAS. The future of Kota Raja Parlimentary seat seems to be so scary to be think off since it is haunted by series of terrific saga.

Indian voters of Kota Raja exploited?

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