Saturday 11 August 2012

Waythamoorthy: "I'm Stateless"

Unexpectedly, Hindraf leader P Waythamoorthy has returned home safely without any hurdles after his self exiled stay in London for more than four years. There were expectations that the government may arrest and charge him for some offences.

Despite being one of the leaders of a key social movement among Indian Malaysians that led to the rise of Hindraf, its chairperson P Waythamoorthy has found himself akin to a stateless Malaysian.

Since arriving in Malaysia through Singapore, Waythamoorthy has been on a busy schedule with a hive of activities attending functions and temple prayers. The Tamil papers are running adverts listing out functions scheduled to be attended by him.

Surprisingly, there was not a single statement from Waythamoorthy’s brother Uthayakumar on the arrival of Waythamoorthy or his subsequent actions, which indicates that the brothers may have chosen different political paths and are not in tandem.

According to MKini Waythamoorthy said “When the police raided my office in 2007, I was not in the country…. They have my MyKad, birth certificate, school and degree certificates, Malaysian Bar certificate, banking details and a number of other files,” he said.

“Normally, if I lose my MyKad, the procedure would be to make a police report, But now it is the police who are holding it,” he said.

Waythamoorthy added that he had inquired about his MyKad and documents through a letter in 2008, but there was no response.

“I’m walking around without my identity card… I need my Bar certificate to resume my practice, I’m jobless now,” he said.

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