Friday 24 August 2012

PAS & PKR is DAP's TOYS???

DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng, along with other party comrades, have never failed to drum up hatred against Gerakan, MCA and the MIC, by constantly telling non-Malays that the parties had sold them out by being subservient to Umno.

Lim in particular has mastered the art of whipping up such racist sentiments amongst the Chinese by harping on issues which had angered the electorate in the run up to the 2008 general election campaign in Penang.

However, in just four years of ruling Penang, the DAP has shown its true colours and is fast turning into the exact monster it has all this while accused Umno of being.

While the track record of an equal partnership between Gerakan, MCA, MIC and Umno in the Barisan Nasional (BN) is there for all to see, the alliance between DAP, PKR and Pas is fast turning out to be nothing but a big joke.

The Chinese dominated party has emerged as the `big brother` in Pakatan while PKR and Pas leaders are fast realising how they are being bullied by the DAP.

Recent developments concerning core issues like the implementation of hudud if Pakatan gains federal power is but one example of how the DAP has tried to portray itself as the dominant party in the alliance.

In other words PKR and Pas have become to the DAP what Gerakan and MCA have been accused of being to Umno.

Just recently two state PKR leaders lent their voices to a growing chorus of people condemning Lim’s administration for bulldozing massive development projects with little or no consultation with local communities.

Penang PKR vice-chairman Datuk Abdul Halim Hussein and Balik Pulau MP Yusmadi Yusof hit out at the DAP-led state government for unanimously converting whatever was left of agriculture land into upmarket housing projects.

While Yusmadi has been complaining of being left in the dark about what was going on in his constituency since 2009, Abdul Halim – who is also the state legislative assembly speaker, has only now woken up to what is going on.

However, the real evidence of the actual discord going on between the DAP and PKR has only now emerged following leaked minutes of a Penang PKR strategic meeting which was held just before Hari Raya Aidil Fitri on Sunday.

The minutes, clearly show what PKR leaders like Penang deputy chief minister I Datuk Dr Mansor Othman actually think of Lim and the DAP itself.

In excerpts of the minutes, Mansor is recorded as calling his boss as not only a cocky and arrogant leader but also a person who has successfuly endeared himself as a “Tokong” (God) to the Chinese.

“He (Guan Eng) is very arrogant, I tell you…cocky and arrogant. It is not easy. Now more arrogant.”

“They ( the DAP) are sure of winning 19 (seats) and they want more. Because with two more (seats) they can form their own government and they can take from us (PKR reps) to be on their side and (then) abandon us (PKR),” he warned.

The latest revelation of Mansor’s thoughts about Lim is sure to ignite his boss’ fury and it remains to be seen how the Pakatan’s supreme leader Anwar Ibrahim reacts to the storm that is set to follow.

Over on Pas’ side, the so-called Islamic party’s leaders have also been accused of swaying from their original struggles just to appease the DAP.

A group of grassroot members from various Pas divisions in Penang recently gathered to voice their frustrations of how their party had become so engrossed in its relationship with the DAP that it was willing to sideline its principles.

Mansor’s opening remarks at the PKR meeting perhaps sum it up best when he said that “DAP adalah dictator dalam pentadbiran negeri Pulau Pinang.”

It is time PKR and Pas leaders explained just who is being subservient to whom now.

Source: Kuala Lumpur Post

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